Maarja-Liis Orgmets
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Pildid: haige koera elu on täis rõõmu ja armastust

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Kerttu-Kadi Vanamb
PIC BY LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lily stand up paddle boarding with her owners ) - A poorly pup is ticking off her Hawaiian bucket list items with the help of her doting owners. Corryn Martin, 28, and her husband Alex, 30, from Morgan Hill, California, USA, live with golden retriever, Lily, in Kailua, Hawaii. When five-month-old Lily was diagnosed with severe renal dysplasia her devastated owners compiled a list of adventures for the whole family to embark on. The first item on the bucket list was, like a true Hawaiian local, learning to swim in the ocean. While the latest addition is to train, the adorable pooch to become a therapy dog for children receiving chemotherapy treatment. SEE CATERS COPY
PIC BY LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lily stand up paddle boarding with her owners ) - A poorly pup is ticking off her Hawaiian bucket list items with the help of her doting owners. Corryn Martin, 28, and her husband Alex, 30, from Morgan Hill, California, USA, live with golden retriever, Lily, in Kailua, Hawaii. When five-month-old Lily was diagnosed with severe renal dysplasia her devastated owners compiled a list of adventures for the whole family to embark on. The first item on the bucket list was, like a true Hawaiian local, learning to swim in the ocean. While the latest addition is to train, the adorable pooch to become a therapy dog for children receiving chemotherapy treatment. SEE CATERS COPY Foto: LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS N/Caters News Agency

Hawaii saartel elavad Corryn Martin ja tema abikaasa Alex, kelle lemmik Lilyl diagnoositi ravimatu haigus.

Neerudüsplaasia avastati viiekuusel koeral hiljuti, ning kui selgus, et haigus on ravimatu, otsustasid pereliikmed nõu ja jõu kokku võtta ning lemmiku elu võimalikult mälestusväärselt muuta, vahendab Caters News. 

Neerudüsplaasia puhul sünnib kutsikas alaarenenud neerudega ning looma kasvades ei suuda neerukude oma funktsioone täita.

Lily rannas. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix
Lily rannas. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix Foto: LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS N/Caters News Agency

Nimekirjas esimesena oli randa ujumaminek, kus koer ja pere said nautida mõnusat rannaliiva ja sooja vett. 

Lily ujumas. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix
Lily ujumas. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix Foto: LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS N/Caters News Agency

Lilyst saab tulevikus teraapiakoer ning tema ülesandeks on toetada keemiaravi saavaid lapsi.

Lily. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix
Lily. Foto: Lilyshawaiianbucklist/Caters News Agency/Scanpix Foto: LILYSHAWAIIANBUCKLIST / CATERS N/Caters News Agency
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