Maarja-Liis Orgmets
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Armsad pildid: Austraalia loomaaias näidati kääbusmarmosette

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Kerttu-Kadi Vanamb
PIC FROM KEVIN FALLON/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: NEWBORN PYGMY MARMOSETS AT SYMBIO WILDLIFE PARK, AUSTRALIA)This is the adorable moment that the worlds smallest monkeys unveiled their tiny offspring - who are smaller than a human thumb and weigh the same as a CD. Gomez and Iti, resident pygmy marmosets at Symbio Wildlife Park near Sydney, Australia, showed off the arrival of the cute pair in a video as they emerged for the first time since being born on February 26. The new arrivals, who are still to be named, mark the successful completion of a breeding programme that has had zookeepers crossing fingers for months. Long-time bachelor Gomez was introduced to Iti last summer after the wildlife park opted to team up with Auckland Zoo in an endangered species captive breeding programme to help save the monkeys from extinction. SEE MERCURY COPY
PIC FROM KEVIN FALLON/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: NEWBORN PYGMY MARMOSETS AT SYMBIO WILDLIFE PARK, AUSTRALIA)This is the adorable moment that the worlds smallest monkeys unveiled their tiny offspring - who are smaller than a human thumb and weigh the same as a CD. Gomez and Iti, resident pygmy marmosets at Symbio Wildlife Park near Sydney, Australia, showed off the arrival of the cute pair in a video as they emerged for the first time since being born on February 26. The new arrivals, who are still to be named, mark the successful completion of a breeding programme that has had zookeepers crossing fingers for months. Long-time bachelor Gomez was introduced to Iti last summer after the wildlife park opted to team up with Auckland Zoo in an endangered species captive breeding programme to help save the monkeys from extinction. SEE MERCURY COPY Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency

Austraalias Sydney lähedal asuv Symbio rahvuspargis elavad kääbusmarmosetid rõõmustasid pargikülastajaid, sest 26. veebruaril sündis paaril kaks poega.

Rahvuspargis elavad Gomez ja Iti on oma poegade üle väga uhked, vahendab Caters News. Rahvuspargis tegeletakse ohustatud liikide säilitamisega ning kääbusmarmoseti pojad annavad märku edukast aretusest. 

Kääbusmarmosetid. Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency/Scanpix
Kääbusmarmosetid. Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency/Scanpix Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency

Kääbusmarmosetid on kõige väiksemad ahvid maailmas. 

Kääbusmarmosetid. Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency/Scanpix
Kääbusmarmosetid. Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency/Scanpix Foto: Kevin Fallon/Mercury Press/Caters News Agency
World's smallest monkeys have world's cutest babies

World's smallest monkeys 'Iti and Gomez, the pygmy marmosets', have celebrated the arrival of two precious little miracles, weighing in at just 15gms.

Posted by Symbio Wildlife Park on 7. märts 2016. a.


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