Maarja-Liis Orgmets
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Maailma vanim kuldkalapaar on 40-aastane

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Kerttu-Kadi Vanamb
PIC BY MIKEY JONES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Splash the Goldfish) - This golden oldie is preparing for his 38th birthday  possibly making it the oldest living goldfish in the world. Splash the goldfish has seen everything from Charles and Diana getting married to London 2012 but cant remember a thing - with goldfish having a memory-span of just three seconds. Splash was offishally won at a funfair in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, in 1977, and lived happily with tank-buddy Splish, before she turned up her fins two years ago. But now, Splashs owners, Richard and Ann Wright, are preparing for Splashs birthday celebrations in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, safe in the knowledge that Splash is one of the oldest living goldfish in the world. SEE CATERS COPY
PIC BY MIKEY JONES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Splash the Goldfish) - This golden oldie is preparing for his 38th birthday possibly making it the oldest living goldfish in the world. Splash the goldfish has seen everything from Charles and Diana getting married to London 2012 but cant remember a thing - with goldfish having a memory-span of just three seconds. Splash was offishally won at a funfair in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, in 1977, and lived happily with tank-buddy Splish, before she turned up her fins two years ago. But now, Splashs owners, Richard and Ann Wright, are preparing for Splashs birthday celebrations in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, safe in the knowledge that Splash is one of the oldest living goldfish in the world. SEE CATERS COPY Foto: /Caters News Agency

Kuldkala Splash, kel vanust 38 eluaastat on oma krooni kaotanud kaladele Fred ja George, kes on samas akvaariumis ujunud 40 aastat.

Kalakesed Fred ja George, kelle peremeesteks Keith ja Mary Allies räägivad, et kalad tulid nende juurde aastal 1975, kui Keith võitis laadal võistluse, vahendab mirror.co.uk.

Keith Allies räägib, et kalad on küll eakad, ent elurõõmsad ja väsimise märke ei ilmuta. «Nad on mu parimad sõbrad ja ma olen nii õnnelik, et nad vanima kala tiitli endale said,» räägib mees.

Mary Allies tunnistab, et kalad on nende jaoks nagu perekond, nad on energilised ja toreda iseloomuga. «Me ei osanud arvata, et nad nii kaua elavad, ennustasime neile vaid paar kuud,» sõnab naine.

Tavaliselt elavad kuldkalad 10-aastaseks, ent Fred ja George on vanuselt ületanud isegi perekonnas elanud kaks koera.

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